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Issue 8 - 2020

Our Misson

The @Team has come together with the aim of developing projects at home and around the world, reflecting its passion for aviation and space, with a team profile that proves that the aviation industry can appeal to people from all disciplines, regardless of their field of training.

Our Vision
The @Team underlines that everyone can seek their own future in the skies, with our team profile proving that the aviation industry can appeal to people from all disciplines regardless of their field of training, and at the same time, we aim to inspire fellow students with our ideas and projects and encourage new creative ideas and new collaborations through an appropriate inspiring environment where are ideas free to soar.

Middle East Technical University
Middle East Technical University (METU) is founded in 1956 to contribute to the development of Turkey and Middle East countries and especially to train people to create a skilled workforce in the fields of natural and social sciences. METU hosts over 27,000 students from Turkey and 94 different countries, studying toward countless academic degrees.

Department of Aerospace Engineering
Initially established in 1981 as Aeronautical Engineering, the Department of Aerospace Engineering aims to educate students and do research in aerospace sciences to contribute to the economic progress and welfare of the society. With its well-qualified faculty, Aerospace Engineering Department adopts the most recent teaching and learning methods and equips its students with real-life problem-solving techniques.

Middle East Technical University - Aerospace Society
Middle East Technical University - Aviation and Space Society (HUT) is a student community established within METU Aerospace Engineering Department in order to operate in the amateur, scientific and industrial fields of aviation and space sciences. It is one of the pioneering and exemplary aviation communities in Turkey. The community members are from different departments, including, but are not limited to, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Physics.

Mission of the METU - Aerospace Society
The prime goal of METU Aviation and Space Society (HUT) is introducing and popularizing aviation to youth. In order to contribute to the technical, social, and personal development of the members at the highest level, HUT organizes various activities, seminars, educations, social and technical trips every year. In international organizations, which HUT is a member of, HUT aims to represent Turkey, Turkish culture, Ankara, and METU in the best possible way.

Logo and Slogan of the 
METU - Aerospace Society
‘’Build the wings of your future!’’

Activities of the METU - Aerospace Society
METU Aviation Days, held annually, is one of our biggest events where we host aerospace professionals from various fields and bring them together with aerospace students and enthusiasts. Our speakers include academicians, leading engineers from the industry, pilots and more. The presence of specialists and representatives from some of the leading aerospace companies such as Turkish Aerospace Industries and ROKETSAN allows our participants to expand their network.

Board Members of the 
METU - Aerospace Society
President: Olcay ÖZKAN - Aerospace Engineering
Head of the Communication: Ömer Faruk KÖKLÜKAYA - Aerospace Engineering
Head of the Education: Ahmet PEHLİVANOĞLU - Aerospace Engineering
Head of the Finance: Ömer Faruk ONUR - Aerospace Engineering
International Contact Manager: Barış ÖZGÖRGEN - Electrical - Electronics Engineering
Head of the Organization: Ayla RASİMGİL - Chemical Engineering
President of the Rocket Society: Alpcan TUNÇ - Physics Education

Technical Events
We offer courses such as general physics, Phyton, MATLAB and more in order to help our members improve themselves in both school subjects and extracurricular ones. Moreover, our society holds a model airplane building course each term from which our members and aerospace engineering students benefit.
Field Trips
In our field trips we visit some of the top aerospace and defense manufacturers, enabling our members to engage with the executives and workers of the companies. We get to ask our questions about the sector, see the work environment and expand our vision and network. Some of our recent field trips include trips to ROKETSAN Elmadağ Facility and TUBITAK Space Technologies Research Center.
 Social Events
Our society hosts a number of social events serving different purposes each year. Our annual party, Aero-night, lets our members and aerospace engineering students socialize whereas the talks we host with the faculty instructors lays the bridge between students and instructors.

Metu Aerospace Society (HUT) as a Member of Euroavia
Since 2002, HUT is one of the 42 member societies of EUROAVIA (European Association of Aerospace Students). EUROAVIA aims to connect aviation students all around Europe and establishes a respected community in the aerospace industry. HUT members are privileged to be a part of this community. Every active HUT member is encouraged to participate in annual international events of EUROAVIA.

Looking to the Future
As HUT, we just established a technical team for students, and we want to increase our competence in technical parts of aviation with our work in this team.

INSTAGRAM: @odtuhut
TWITTER: @odtuhut

Last Word
As our community, we thank Aviation Turkey Magazine for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves and get to know other communities.

Istanbul Bilgi Univesity
Adopting the principle of “Non scholae, sed vitae discimus” (learning not for school but for life), Istanbul Bilgi University was founded on June 7, 1996, to make a difference in university education. Contributing to its students and the academic life in Turkey with 4 main campuses, Istanbul Bilgi University has become an educational institution that is recognized worldwide with innovations on university education.

IBU - Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club
IBU Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club was established in 2016 by the students of the Civil Aviation Vocational School and has been actively continuing its activities since then. Our club comprises of two teams: management team and class representative team. Our objective is to inspire our fellow students, regardless of their study fields, about what they can do in this sector, and related activities and organizations have been organized to this end. We strive to further develop our club by collaborating with other clubs of our university. Our club is among the leading clubs of our school with more than 300 members.

Mission of IBU - Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club
We aim to provide information on aviation to all Bilgi students regardless of their study fields and to infuse them with aviation culture. We also aim to introduce the aviation sector to our fellow students through the activities to be held during the year.

IBU - Flyers of Bilgi Aviation 
Club Board Member
President: Hüseyin Berker Aras - International Trade and Business
Vice President: Sinem Alemdaroğlu - Aviation Management 
Vice President: Emre Can Yılmaz - International Trade and Business 
Board Member: Berna Güvenel - Civil Air Transportation Management
Board Member: Sema Demir - Civil Air Transportation Management
Board Member: Furkan Başaran - Aviation Management
Board Member: Berk Yücepur - Aviation Management
Board Member: Yağız Çekin - Aviation Management
Board Member: Aleyna Şener - Civil Aviation Cabin Services
Board Member: Mehmet Eyican - Civil Aviation Cabin Services

IBU - Flyers of Bilgi Aviation 
Club Logo and Slogan
“We Fly With Our Dreams!”

IBU - Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club Major Events
Current Developments in Aviation 
In our event titled “Current Developments in Aviation”, Dr. Devrim Gün informed us about the measures to be taken in aviation and the required level of security. Atty. Lale Kaplan gave briefing on the aviation law and criminal proceedings. Turkish Airlines Captain Pilot Menderes Çakıcı informed us about the qualifications the pilot should have, the information that a person should pay attention to in becoming a pilot, and the aircraft and flight information. Derya Pekruh Gerçeker, Marketing and Services Manager of Singapore Airlines, explained the importance of marketing in aviation and how it affects the image of an airline.

Air Conversations 
In our “Air Conversations” event, Turkish Airlines Senior Cabin Crew Ahmet Kolik gave answers to the questions on “How can I be a cabin crew? What are the difficulties, advantages and disadvantages?" by giving examples on his daily business life. 

Speaking From the Cockpit 
In this event, Turkish Airlines Captain Pilot Uğur Demiröz informed us about the challenges awaiting the students who want to pursue a career as a pilot in the aviation industry, the lives of the pilots, their trainings, and how important their contribution is to the transportation sector.

FoB Talks
We have held our FoB Talks online through our YouTube channel with many guests such as Student Pilot Denizhan Sayışman, Turkish Airlines Cabin Crew Gülay Alageyik, Turkey Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Controller Gökay Güven, Turkish Cargo Loadmaster Emrah Köylü, Onur Air Cargo Manager K. Göksenin Seyhan, ULS Cargo Flight Operations Specialist Hüseyin Uzun and Singapore Airlines Marketing and Services Manager Derya Gerçeker. The aim of this event is to have a conversation with the speakers we invite about their academic and professional lives, accompanied by a moderator.

To Become a Manager in Aviation 
In cooperation with the Business Club of our university, we held an event with the participation of Air Astana Airlines Cargo Manager of Turkey Taner Aksoy, Turkish Airlines Innovation Manager Ahmet Faruk and Turkish Airlines Cockpit Recruitment Manager Dr. Muhittin Hasan Uncular, as speakers. They gave information about the managerial positions in the aviation industry and the recruitment process.

Looking to the Future
As Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club, we know that aviation is there with us in many parts of our lives and we try to overcome the bias people have together with all our fellows who want to walk this path with us. It is of great importance for us that people actually understand how critical the aviation industry is. In a world where everyone lives together and aviation technology expands and develops greatly, aviation will always take place on the top for us.

IBU - Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club Contact Details
Last Word
As Flyers of Bilgi Aviation Club, we aim to properly explain the aviation culture to everyone, and we will proceed by helping to and seeking advice of those who walk on this path. We hope all the efforts we exerted will help this sector grow effectively.

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