Gözen Digital Aviation (GDA) creates advanced digital solutions for aviation while setting new standards for leading companies in the industry. Backed by Gözen Group’s experience since 1979; GDA continues its activities through the vision of accelerating growth in digital aviation, driving enhanced operating efficiencies, and providing end-to-end services in the aviation ecosystem.
Recently acquired from Boeing’s Jeppesen; GDA launched the Operator, a web-based flight scheduling tool consolidating all digital support systems into one seamless solution while targeting operational excellence to meet the unique requirements of AD-HOC operations. On the other hand, Simorg is a unique comprehensive management software for flight simulator centers and training operations designed to enhance efficiency and provide cutting-edge digital ease.
GDA is complemented by its customer-focused 24/7 support team with aviation and technical background experiences. The company fuses experience with the talented new generation of pragmatic developers, and committed aviators, making it a wisely growing full-stack technology house.